RideSmart On-Line Corner Working Application
You must complete this form in its entirety and then click "SUBMIT". Fields marked with * are required. Without this information, we will be unable to place you on a roster as a Corner Worker. None of your information will be given or sold to any third party vendors, and is used for the sole purpose of its stated intent. By submitting this form, you acknowledge that you meet the requirements for corner working listed on our website, and understand this is not a guarantee of placement on a roster. Once you have submitted your request, you should receive an email response within three days. If you do not receive a reply within three days of request submission, please contact us at cornerworking@ridesmart.info.
Please understand that the requests you make now and subsequent verification emails from us constitutes a commitment on your part to work. If you think you will be unable to work, please do not submit a request.
Sorry, but we are no longer able to apply a Corner Working credit for working one day and riding the next. You'll need to pre-signup for the day you want to ride.
If all the spots for a given event are filled, you may be placed on an alternate list. If a cancellation is received, we'll email you to see if you still want to work.
Approximately 10 days before an event, we'll email you to verify your commitment to work. You must respond by the deadline listed in the email of your spot will be forfeited. Make sure you enter a valid email address that you check frequently.
If you are an Alternate for an event, if we get a cancellation we'll email you. You'll need to respond within 24 hours. If we don't hear from you, we'll move to the next alternate on the list.
Please note that if you sign up to work and then cancel, we may remove you from all subsequent requests. Your commitment is very important and we, and you should take it seriously. Without corner workers, we can't have trackdays.
If you work more than four (4) events per year with us, we will issue a 1099-MISC to the IRS and we must have a W-9 on file (we will have them available at the track or you may download one here). In lieu of receiving credits, you may opt to receive a check for working, but we must know prior to the event.
Thanks for your support of the Corner Working Program with RideSmart!